Architecture – Urban
AWARD: First Prize ex-aequo in the Competition. .
Evolving the relations between human body and Space designing, the logic of definition and constitution of the architecture body modifies in relation to very complex parameters which interest both the aesthetics field and the field of social and connective relations.
The building is therefore both bond and element of order of movements and order of behaviours of a body in connection with other bodies, both potential mean of connection and communication among people.
The project for the ex-area Ansaldo at Bicocca works on the theme of the emptied block as full volume occupied by empty volumes, able each time to gather different urban meanings and roles: the Milanese court becomes garden and square, but even open tower, system of relations and links among public spaces such as squares and gardens, private and work, offices and laboratories.
The empty Space becomes a regulating system of the public space such as of the working Space, guaranteeing continuity between the urban share and the raised levels of the existing buildings.
It outlines a Spatial complex texture, made of concave and convex, of volumes around which you can slide or inside which you can draw paths of curves and diagonals.